
Amulets, talismans, and fortunes are sold here, and applications for prayers, kagura performances, and offerings are also accepted here.
Prayers involve going into the main shrine and having a shinto priest perform a purification ritual while you pray for a wish to come true. It is a more thorough way of paying respects.

This is a kind of fortune-telling that determines whether things will be lucky or unlucky. Whether your fortune says you will be lucky or unlucky, read the comments written, consider them words from the kami, and keep them in mind as guidance on your future actions and decisions.
Ofuda, Omamori

In order to have the assistance of Inari Okami in your everyday life, you can buy a talisman or amulet, called ofuda and omamori. Place the ofuda in your home shrine, and carry the omamori with you at all times.
After one year, bring them back to the shrine and buy a new ofuda or omamori. There is a wide variety of ofuda and omamori, for example for help with success in business, or well-being of one's family. Choose an ofuda or omamori that suits your situation.

In addition to providing ema or votive plaques at the New Year with that year's Chinese zodiac animal on it, the shrine Juyosho to the left of the main shrine also sells "gankake torii" which are ema shaped like torii gates. This is presented with the hopes that the wish will "go through" the gate.
At the inner shrine and at the Gozendani, ema shaped like white fox faces called Gankake Myobu Ema, are available. The white fox, the servant of Inari Okami, delivers the wishes written on these ema dedicated to the Okami.