
Fushimi Inari Taisha


Tamayama Inarisha, Kamimassha (Chojasha, Kadasha, Gosha Aidono, Ryōgūsha)

Enshrined on the immediate left of the stone steps are, from the west side, Chojasha, Kadasha, Gosha Aidono, and Ryōgūsha. These Massha shrine buildings are also designated important cultural properties.
Directly in front of the stone steps is the shrine where Tamayama Inari is enshrined. This shrine was once located on the grounds of the Imperial Palace. Emperor Higashiyama worshipped before it. After the passing of the emperor, it was moved to a different place, and in 1874 it was moved here.

The building to the left of Tamayama Inarisha is called the Kumotsusho, and it is where offerings are left for the kami that live on Mt. Inari.

Further to the left, in front of Yashima Pond is Oyashimasha. Since ancient times, Oyashimasha has not had a shrine. Instead, the mountains and trees themselves represent the kami, and the area is surrounded by a vermilion fence. Entry is not permitted.

To the right of Tamayama Inarisha is Shinmesha, which was built in 1862. To the left of this is another Shinmesha that was built in 1938.